Consulting For Individuals

Rush-In Motivation Training for Businesses

Consulting For Individuals

This extensive coaching is done on a one-on-one basis through Zoom. This Personal Development program focuses on learning and implementing the personal development practices that will ultimately change your life. Unlock your true potential by learning how to change your philosophy about life and about the world. See things through different lenses and become motivated to become more than you are! You will identify the limiting beliefs holding you back and will learn how to power through stagnation. A plan for a better future is one step away! Start working with Greg now to design the destiny you have always dreamed of!

Tailored For You:

Our program is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Greg works closely with you to understand your unique goals, challenges, and aspirations. He tailors the program to address your specific needs and ambitions.

One-On-One Coaching:

You’ll receive personalized coaching sessions with Greg via Zoom. This intimate setting allows for in-depth discussions, goal setting, and progress tracking, ensuring that you receive the attention and guidance you deserve.

Transformational Practices:

Through structured goal-setting exercises, you’ll gain clarity on your aspirations and create a roadmap for your future. Greg will help you design a compelling vision for your life and set achievable milestones to reach it.

Motivation and Inspiration:

Greg’s program is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about finding the motivation and inspiration to act on it. You’ll cultivate a renewed sense of purpose and drive to propel you forward.

Support and Accountability:

Greg serves as your mentor and guide throughout your personal development journey. He provides unwavering support and holds you accountable for your progress, ensuring you stay on track toward your goals.

Program Packages


Silver Individual Consulting Package

Want to learn how Personal Development can change your life? Consider this the introduction to shifting your mind and developing thought patterns which will shift the direction of your life. If you are questioning if coaching is right for you, this package is a cost-effective way for you to explore the possibilities and gain an understanding of how it’s possible for you to change direction and achieve anything you want! You will work with Greg for 2 sessions, approximately 2 hours per session. This program can be extended upon completion if you are still looking for more. Or apply the cost of this Silver Package as a credit toward the Gold or Platinum packages and finish the remaining number of visits in a more comprehensive package.


Gold Individual Consulting Package

Personalized coaching with value and flexibility in mind. With the Gold Package, you will work with Greg on-on-one for a period of 3 months with coaching sessions 2 times per month for approximately 2 hours each (6 sessions total). This program can be extended upon completion if you are still looking for more. Or apply the cost of this Gold Package as a credit toward the Platinum and finish the remaining 3 months in the Platinum Package.

In the Gold program you will learn the tricks and life hacks to uncover additional time in your day to help you create avenues to break the norm and live a well-designed life. You will focus on building a foundation of disciplines which will lead you down a motivational path to accomplish your goals effectively and efficiently.


Platinum Individual Consulting Package

You want it all? You got it! This is the most dynamic and extensive package offered by Rush-In Motivation. This package is reserved only for the truly committed. You want to truly change the trajectory of your life? Then commit! Commitment to the Platinum package will require you to pay the entire cost of the program up front. You don’t like this arrangement? Well, this is probably one of the main reasons you are on this site. You are feeling stuck, you want that extra edge in life, but you are scared. We will work on this issue too during the process.

With the Platinum Package, you will work with Greg for a period of 6 months with coaching sessions 2 times per month for approximately 2 hours each (12 sessions total). You will be pushed. You will be held accountable. You will be uncomfortable at times. You will end up a different person with a different philosophy. You will see the world differently and you will be in a physical and mental state to proceed down the path you once just dreamed about. Let’s do it!

Fill out the form for your free consultation. That’s right, a free consultation. Greg will want to get to know you to ensure there is compatibility with you and the program. He will ask a series of questions pertaining to the content of the program and to allow him to understand what you want to gain from being a part of the program. If you are selected to be a participant in the program, it’s go time!

In-person sessions are available upon request. Contact us for more details.

Individual Training and Consulting

Greg Rushin’s Personal Development Program is not your typical self-help endeavor—it’s a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. It’s about far more than just making minor adjustments in your life; it’s about instigating a revolution in the way you perceive and navigate the world.

Imagine a life where you wake up each day with a renewed sense of purpose, armed with the tools and mindset to tackle challenges head-on. Envision a future where your goals are not just aspirations but concrete milestones within reach. This program is your ticket to that brighter, more fulfilling future.

Through personalized coaching sessions, you’ll embark on a transformative exploration of your own capabilities and aspirations. Greg’s guidance and unwavering support will serve as your compass, helping you navigate the sometimes challenging terrain of personal growth.

The journey may not always be easy, but it will be profoundly rewarding. Your brighter future is not a distant dream; it’s a tangible reality that’s waiting for you to seize it. The empowerment, motivation, and inspiration you’ll gain through Greg’s program will be the driving force behind your personal revolution.

So, if you’re ready to revolutionize your life, to embrace change and growth, and to awaken your true potential, the time to connect with Greg is now. Your future, filled with fulfillment and success, is not merely a vision—it’s a destination you can reach, one step at a time, starting today.

Rush-In Motivation is eager to learn more about you to understand the challenges you encounter, and pinpoint the key areas you need help with. Reach out to Greg to explore how he can support your individual growth and business goals.

Contact Greg: