
Rush-In Motivation: Results-Oriented Personal and Business Coaching

With an emphasis on outcome-driven strategies, Greg offers personalized coaching services tailored to both individuals and businesses. His approach centers around enhancing personal performance and driving business excellence. Whether you’re seeking to elevate your individual capabilities or looking to propel your team towards peak productivity, Greg Rushin is dedicated to helping you achieve the outcomes that matter most.

Consulting Services

Consulting Services For Businesses

Businesses are now more than ever prioritizing training and development of their existing staff. In his coaching for businesses Greg emphasizes the vital role of employees as a company’s greatest asset. The main goal is to foster internal growth and success.

Consulting Services For Individuals

This Personal Development program is centered around acquiring and applying transformative practices that have the power to change your life. By shifting your perspective on life and the world, you’ll uncover your untapped potential and be inspired to surpass your current self.

Meet Greg Rushin

Introducing Greg Rushin: a uniquely impactful figure in the world of personal development and coaching. What sets Greg apart is that he doesn’t just teach theory; he’s lived the story. At 17, he faced the tragic loss of his father to suicide, a pivotal moment that shaped his path. Without the traditional route of college, he took on the role of provider for his family, building a foundation of resilience and hard work that would define his future success in sales, general management, and corporate leadership. Yet, it wasn’t until he delved into personal development practices that he unearthed the missing piece to his desired life. Through years of dedicated study and implementation, Greg underwent a profound transformation, paving the way for the fulfilling, liberated life he leads today.

Greg Rushin - Founder Rush-In Motivation
  • Entrepreneur
  • Founder of Rush-In Motivation
  • Certified Life Coach

A Promise From Greg

  • I will provide a supportive, personalized coaching structure without any judgment or pressure.
  • I will provide effective motivational coaching for you without any unrealistic expectations or quick-fix solutions. My approach focuses on long-term growth and sustainable change, empowering you to discover your inner motivation and achieve your goals at a pace that is comfortable for you.
  • I will help you develop a better culture within your business without sacrificing current employer/employee relationships.
Greg Rushin Consultant

Greg Rushin

Greg Rushin - Life Coach
  • Discover and design your destiny
  • Understand the connection between physical achievements and personal and professional growth
  • Change your philosophy and mindset to see things differently, even if you feel conditioned to look down a single path

Contact Greg:

If filling out a form isn’t your thing, don’t hesitate to give me a call instead: (814) 664-0471